a site dedicated to my sister's drug addiction and her eventual death.
A Battle with Drug Addiction
Published on December 18, 2003 By sistersview In Home & Family
My sister Christina was 4 years younger than me, she was being chased by demons, namely drugs and crack cocaine. She stole from those she loved, prostituted herself for drugs, and died in questionable circumstances, I write these pages in hopes of saving someone, somewhere from her fate and ours, there is no such thing as a victimless death.
My sister spent years hooked on drugs and alcohol, she loved to smoke pot, mix pills with alcohol and crack, my family has spent the past 15 years trying to learn more about her life, but, all we could do is speculate, and her death has only raised more questions.
To those who use, I am here to tell you the life you lead does affect those who truly love you, there are so many questions surrounding my sister's death it about drives me nuts, I am begging you, if you are an addict to please stop and think about those who love you, my sister never felt loved, but she was loved. Addiction is a theif, please don't let your addiction steal you from your family.
on Dec 21, 2003
My brother is addicted to crack cocaine and is serving time in Arkansas for armed robbery.

I am truly sorry that this devastating addiction took the life of your sister.

Coming from the little sister of a serious addict, let me tell you what I have learned in the past 15 years. Maybe something I say will ease your mind or give you peace.

No matter what demons were after your sister, no matter what she dealt with alone or hardships she placed on you and your family, please know this.

Crack cocaine is not just something that you want or think you need. When you are addicted, a chemical in crack cocaine is stored in your body for atleast 5 years. There are treatment centers that can detox you, but it takes 5 years to get it completely out of your system, and even then it is an extremely difficult battle.

This is what I need you to know-
Nothing your sister did was ever intended to hurt you or your family. I hope that you already know this to be true.

She had a serious addiction. It was nothing personal. Your sister loves you and she is happier now to be free of that demon. You will see her again, and anytime you even think of her, her spirit is right beside you.

KNOW that she is OK. She is happy and she wants you to be happy. Don't stress about the circumstances of her death. There was nothing you could do to stop it and there certainly is nothing you can do about it now.

You have to move on and leave this in your past. Continue to love her and hold her memory close in your heart, but KNOW that this life is just a blink of an eye. We are all mortal beings. You will be with her again someday.

Also- You are only a victim if you allow yourself to be. If you choose to believe that this happened for a reason, that God has a master plan, or that you created an opportunity to learn from, then you are no longer a victim, but a victor. If you reach one addict by sharing your sisters story, you have succeeded, and she will not have died in vain.

You are a powerful piece in this puzzle. You have the ability to turn this situation around for the greater good.

Christina is very proud of you, I'm sure.

Blessed be.
on Dec 21, 2003
Addicts can't hear you. I was one for the first 30 years of my life and I didn't listen to anyone. You are right when you use the word demon. In the arcane things are seen differently than they are by the majority of a blind humanity due to modernizations and thought patterns. In my blog history "The Middle Years" I explained that I worked on a meth lab and shot dope for 10 years straight. Thank the powers that be, this is not the case today. I am truly sorry for your loss and have lost several tribesman to the chemical demons and will probably lose several more before my time expires

All chemicals that have a psychoactive effect are demons/spirits. In this modern age that sounds comical or ludicrous so I will alleviate. Today what we call science is in actuality magic. Magic being the controlled study of the metaphysical and being able to create a certain specific effect every time. The majority of spirits are more powerful than we are because they come from another plane and hate being here. That is why the high wears off. But you pay a price when you use them. Meth and crack have a 90% addiction rate because it makes you feel alive and ready to take on the world, but it is a mere illusion and leads to sleep deprivated hallucinations we call the "shadow world".

Too the normal eye it is merely science and a compound of natural or man-made chemicals that create a certain physical or psychological effect. If you can save one person with your story it will be worth it hun.

Joonbug that was awesome as it hit the nail right on and I hope it help