A Battle with Drug Addiction
My sister Christina was 4 years younger than me, she was being chased by demons, namely drugs and crack cocaine. She stole from those she loved, prostituted herself for drugs, and died in questionable circumstances, I write these pages in hopes of saving someone, somewhere from her fate and ours, there is no such thing as a victimless death.
My sister spent years hooked on drugs and alcohol, she loved to smoke pot, mix pills with alcohol and crack, my family has spent the past 15 years trying to learn more about her life, but, all we could do is speculate, and her death has only raised more questions.
To those who use, I am here to tell you the life you lead does affect those who truly love you, there are so many questions surrounding my sister's death it about drives me nuts, I am begging you, if you are an addict to please stop and think about those who love you, my sister never felt loved, but she was loved. Addiction is a theif, please don't let your addiction steal you from your family.